
A Geneseo Late Knight (GLK) Grant offers your organization a unique opportunity to co-sponsor an event at little to no cost!

Types of GLK Grants

Apply for a GLK Grant


GLK Grant Proposals for Fall 2024 are due Wednesday, May 1st @ 11:59PM

For more information or questions, please feel free to contact:

Geneseo Late Knight

Event Marketing Footers

Choose a pre-designed footer in the color and size you need and apply to all fliers and posters advertising GLK events!

image-asset (1).png

Turquoise PNG (transparent background): 8.5" wide
Turquoise PNG (transparent background): 11" wide
Turquoise PNG (transparent background): 17" wide


Dark Blue PNG (transparent background): 8.5" wide
Dark Blue PNG (transparent background): 11" wide
Dark Blue PNG (transparent background): 17" wide